Saturday, July 23, 2011

Pickled Wild Leeks

A couple weeks ago at one of our Wild Edible walks I brought along some pickled leeks I had just processed. I thought some people might like the recipe so I will enclose it.

A this stage in the game they can be recognized by the long stem with the flower head. In the spring they have these beautiful long lance shaped leaves that taste wonderful.

Also at this stage they take a bit more effort to get out of the ground. But I didn't do that part. John headed out to the woods with a friend and they dug them up with regular garden digging fork, washed them up and presented me with what I consider more than half the work done. He knows how to bribe me.

Okay, the recipe is simple and can be puritized (well you know, "healthier" ingredients if you so desire). I am using the "other" recipe. But for pete's sake you take a bite into a small fraction of what makes it taste oh so good.

Pickled Leeks:
2 Cups water
2 Cups vinegar (I used white)
1 1/2 cups sugar

Clean the leek bulbs (thanks John) and pack tightly in jars. I used 1/2pint jars. Add 1/8 teaspoon alum to each jar. Bring liquid mixture to boil and pour over the leeks in the jars. Run a chopstick or knife down the sides of the jar to release bubbles and then fill to 1/4 inch from the top. Put your lids on and the rings and tighten. Continue making liquid to accommodate all the jars you have ready. Put sealed jars in a water bath and boil the bath 5 minutes. Remove the jars and there you have it. We let it sit several weeks but when we served it at the park it had only been 2 weeks and they were great. Weren't they?

Thanks to those that were on the walk for being such willing samplers. Even the brave kids liked them.
By the way, you can do this same recipe with domestic garlic. Bye

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