Well well, we are back and hopefully on track. Wild Edible walks at the state park are starting up again and we plan to be adding more to the blog now that we had our little break. Break shmeak, more like life happens.
So I was wandering the garden boxes and planning and of course, sure as the rising sun, the dandelion lay smirking at me. All sprawled out with every place to go.
It didn't see my smile though as I went for shovel and digger. It's roots are very holdy ony so I needed to dig around and loosen and then try to pull slowly straight up. Got a couple out intact but really I'm not worried. They will return for the second harvest.
Harvest???? Yup, I plan on putting them to some productive work. If you're gonna live here you are gonna help out says I.
First thing I did was wash them up good. Tossed them into a bucket of water to help get the dirt off. Then I scrubbed them with a little brush and cut the crown and leaves off.
And since we are still heating the house with our woodburner in May for goodness sake, I just lay them on a cooling rack and then on the stove to dry the roots out.
I will chop them up when dried through and see if I can come up with some dandelion coffee. Will let you know what I think.
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